Randall Park is a Korean American actor, writer, and director. He was born and raised in Los Angeles. Randall is a frequent contributor to Channel 101, and he performs live sketch comedy regularly with his friend Marques Ray. Randall can also be seen in television shows and movies. This is a collection of some of his independent stuff on the web. His favorite rapper is MF Doom and his favorite wrestler is George 'The Animal' Steele. 早年经历 兰道尔·朴是韩裔美国人,在洛杉矶出生和长大。就读于加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)期间他是“LCC亚裔美国人剧院”的创立者之一,并且在一个叫做ProperGander的团体中表演。他还是乐队IllAgain的成员之一。他获得了UCLA的英文以及创意写作双学士学位,以及亚裔美国人研究的硕士学位 演艺经历 2014年,他与塞斯·罗根合作,出演了《邻居大战》,紧接着又在当年极具话题的影片《采访》中饰演朝鲜领导人金正恩。尽管从外型上,兰道尔·朴与金正恩并无相似点,但是他富有人性的演出获得了许多美国影评人的称赞。2015年2月,兰道尔·朴主演的以华裔美国人生活为描写对象的ABC电视台美剧《初来乍到》首播。2017年,确定加盟漫威电影《蚁人与黄蜂女》。2018年,在本年度上映的温子仁执导的电影《海王》中,兰道尔饰演沈博士。